Officers and Committees
Officers and Board Members for 2023-2024
Please contact any of our Committee members if you have questions or suggestions.
| Danette Schloeder |
Vice-President |
Kathleen King |
Secretary |
| Mary Cocklan-Vendl |
Treasurer |
Rich Hawley |
Board Member
Field Chair
Gwen Haynes |
Board Member |
Conformation Chair |
Janice Royce | |
Board Member |
Agility Chair |
Bill Smith | |
Board Member |
Obedience Chair |
Janet Brown |
Board Member |
Trudy Davis
Below is a list of committees and their chairs. If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, or if you have ideas to share or any questions, please contact the Chairperson listed.
Agility |
Bill Smith |
Conformation |
Janice Royce |
Obedience/Rally |
Janet Brown |
Field |
Gwen Haynes |
Education |
Trudy Davis |
Outreach |
Nolan |
Delegate |
Danette Schloeder |